BAYC x Injective Pro

BAYC x Injective Pro

A few days ago, Injective Pro, a Crypto derivatives exchange, listed...
April 26, 2022

A few days ago, Injective Pro, a Crypto derivatives exchange, listed perpetual contracts based on Bored Ape Yacht Club; here's more on this development.

Successful NFT projects are no longer available.
NFTs have grown significantly in recent years, and the valuation of the most successful NFT projects has become exorbitantly expensive. A common complaint about NFT projects is that the floor price for many of these projects is prohibitively expensive for the average investor.

As NFTs gain critical acclaim, it is time to make the most expensive and sought-after upcoming NFT collections more accessible by introducing solutions to diversify NFT project investments and engagement.

According to Injective Pro, their solution will be the first to market with an NFT floor price perpetual, and there is no better collection to debut this with than BAYC.

You may be wondering what Crypto perpetuals are. To put it simply, they are a type of derivative agreement that allows investors to sell an asset at a specific price at an unspecified time in the future. To be sure, crypto perpetuals are very similar to futures contracts, and the parallels are uncanny.

Crypto perpetuals, on the other hand, differ from futures contracts in that they allow holders to keep the contracts indefinitely. Injective Pro enables investors, holders, and general stakeholders to broaden their horizons and accomplish more than they could otherwise.

Credits Crypto Potato

BAYC x Injective Pro

The BAYC collection has become the poster child for the NFT space in more ways than one, and when we hear about a celebrity or public figure investing in NFTs, it's almost always BAYC NFTs.

Furthermore, BAYC is one of the most recognizable NFT collections, and many people who are uninterested in NFTs or Web3 can recognize the BAYC brand. Popularity comes with a price, and at the time of writing, the cheapest BAYC NFT available for immediate purchase on OpenSea costs 127.7 ETH, or $376,823.54.

"Just like NFTs, we believe that with an intuitive product and education on the true value of an NFT floor perpetual market. Users will be able to enjoy this innovative technology, without needing to know all the intricacies of how perps work," said Eric Chen, CEO of Injective.
Credits Cointelegraph

One fantastic aspect of Injective is that the company is addressing a significant issue that the majority of the NFT community is facing. The question of how to make NFTs more accessible without lowering their value has been raised by a number of people, and Injective, at the very least, is addressing it in its own unique way.

Chen explained why Injective chose BAYC, saying, "That is why we chose BAYC as the first project to list in an NFT floor perpetual market on Injective Pro." We wanted to lower the barrier to entry into projects that people recognize the value of but are unable to participate in due to cost."

Disclaimer. NFT Mint Radar does not endorse any content or product on this page. While we aim at providing you with all important information that we could obtain, readers should do their own research before taking any actions related to the company and carry full responsibility for their decisions, nor can this article be considered as investment advice.

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