

HolyGrails is a unique NFT marketplace built on the Solana blockchain that offers a 100% fee backsharing model to its community. Their inspiration comes from the dynamic world of NFTs, and they aim to create a platform that unites technology and community through shared interests. By connecting like-minded individuals, we strive to build a brand that celebrates creativity and fosters collaboration.

HolyGrails is the only 100% fee backsharing to community NFT marketplace on the Solana blockchain. Inspired by the NFT space, they have built HolyGrails on Solana to grow a brand that connects technology and community through like minded people.

The NFT market has been plagued with centralization and influenced by venture capital, leading to a profit-driven approach that puts their own interests above the users. These centralized marketplaces often make a profit through fees, regardless of the success of their users. Mreover, many of the major players in the market have recently started to make artist/creator royalties optional for buyers, which they believe is not a fair or sustainable way to approach the future of web3.

Holygrail.io is based on the SOLANA blockchain, which means that it operates on a decentralized, open-source platform that prioritizes transparency and security. The use of the SOLANA blockchain allows for fast and cost-effective transactions, making HolyGrail.io a unique and innovative player in the NFT market. By utilizing SOLANA, HolyGrail.io is able to provide its users with a truly decentralized, fair, and sustainable experience for NFT trading.

How to use Holygrails.io Marketplace

To use our NFT Marketplace you simply open holygrails.io directly in your browser, on your mobile device (yes we are 100% mobile optimized) or just open holygrails.io directly in your preferred SOL wallet like phantom wallet.

Via Browser:
Connect your preferred SOL wallet with holygrails.io, on top right you are able to navigate to your profile section. This is the first thing you should do as you are able to create a nice profile page about you and add all your social media links to it. Further more you can defin a username which will be visible for all other users of the marketplace.

Currently all supported wallets are the following: 

  • Phantom Wallet
  • Sollet Wallet (Browser Extension) 
  • Solet Wallet 
  • Solflare 
  • Torus
  • Ledger
  • Sollet 
  • Slope

Trade NFT’s on Holygrails.io

1.Connect your Solana NFT wallet with holygrails.io and open in the menu top right and go to your collected items “menu - collected”. 

2. Select the NFT you want to sell on holygrails.io click on “View”

3. Think about setting an appropriate price for your NFT. Keep in mind that you have to pay royalties to the creator/artist of the NFT. If you define a too high price, your NFT will not be bought. Whenever you are ready - click on the Sell button to proceed with the listing process. 

Set your sell price, and ignore the options “List as Bundle” or “Reserve for a Buyer” at least you need these options. Then click on “List” and wait for the Interaction with your wallet. You need to confirm the listing. After you confirm the interaction your item is listed on holygrails.io you are all set!

Keep in mind unlike other NFT marketplaces holygrails.io sells and buys happen directly between the buyer and seller - holygrails.io will never own any Item.

To check, your NFT is finally listed you can do that by opening again your profile section, collecting items overview page and selecting “listed items” in the filter on the left side of the page.

Other possibilities to sell on our Marketplace

List as Bundle
One of the unique features of holygrais.io marketplace is the possibility to sell your Items as “Bundles” for that you just activae on the first Item you are listing the slider “Bundle Item” and following the steps to select other Items. In the end you will be able to list these “Bundled items” and sell it as one transaction to a potential buyer. 

Reserve for a Buyer / Private sales of any NFT

The reserve for a buyer option allows you to do private sales over holygrails.io. This means only the defined Solana address are able to bid on your listed item or finally buy them. 

We are first SOL NFT Marketplace where users fully earn back all Fee’s

Solana rewards to the community

Our Marketplace fee is 1.5%, thus from every trade you made on holygrails.io 1.5% are going back to you!

How are $SOL Volume Rewards calculated?
The $SOL Volume Reward is calculated based on a percentage of the total trading volume for a given time period and distributed according to the amount of $HOLY staked by each user. The calculation is done daily.

As a user of Holygrails you will be able to check your accumulated reward every time via Trading Trewards page.

The $SOL Volume Reward is calculated based on a percentage of the total trading volume for a given time period and distributed according to the amount of $HOLY staked by each user. There is no cap on the amount of $SOL Volume Rewards that a user can earn. The more $HOLY a user has staked, the more $SOL rewards they will receive.

All rewards are calculated every day at UTC midnight

From there all of the Solanas where distributed to every User who stake at least 5 $HOLY’s

$HOLY rewards
On top of the redistribution of $SOL all users who trade at least 1 NFT in a day, will be eligible to earn $HOLY rewards. Holygrails.io is rewarding 2000 $HOLY’s per day, 60 '000 $HOLY’s per month to their users. The $HOLY rewards are claimable any time a user wants to.

How is the $HOLY distribution calculation done?
The $HOLY Volume Reward is calculated based on the individual user's contribution to the total trading volume and the amount of $HOLY they have staked.

$HOLY Staking
Are you looking for a way to generate passive income with your $HOLY tokens? Staking your tokens with HolyGrails is a great way to earn rewards and support the growth of our NFT Marketplace. By staking your tokens, you will be eligible to earn both the $SOL Volume Reward and the $HOLY Volume Reward, which are distributed based on your contribution to the total trading volume and the amount of $HOLY you have staked.

$HOLY Staking Bonus explained
For the $HOLY staking we defined two bonuses which support the fairly distribution to all users of the NFT Marketplace. The Bonuses aiming to reward users more if they participate more

Staker are able to check their figures via $HOLY staking portal via https://holygrails.io/rewards?action=staking

NFT Marketplace Royalties - why we made the difference 

Paying royalties to NFT artists and creators is generally considered a good idea for several reasons:

  1. Incentive for creativity: Artists and creators are more likely to invest time and resources into creating unique and valuable NFTs if they know they will receive a share of the profits from future sales. This helps to drive innovation and creativity within the NFT market.
  2. Increased value for buyers: The promise of future royalty payments can add value to an NFT, making it more attractive to buyers. This can help to increase demand for NFTs and drive up prices, providing a return on investment for buyers.
  3. Fair compensation for artists: By paying royalties, artists and creators are fairly compensated for the ongoing use and enjoyment of their work. This helps to ensure that the NFT market operates in an ethical and sustainable way.
  4. Standardization: By establishing a standard approach to royalties, it becomes easier to determine the fair market value of NFTs. This helps to create stability and predictability in the market, making it easier for buyers to determine what they are paying for.

In summary, paying royalties  to NFT artists and creators incentivizes creativity, increases the value of NFTs for buyers, fairly compensates artists, and helps to establish standardization in the NFT market, which are all positive outcomes. This is why holygrails.io decided to never question royalties as optional. 

Conclusion for you as NFT Alpha, OG or Flipper

With Holygrails you have an easy way to start or expand your NFT journey on Solana Blockchain. We are here to stay, this is a marathon not a sprint!